Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mystic, Warrior, Leader, Conundrum

Today is the feast day of St. Joan of Arc, and I just don't know what to make of her.

I like to think of myself as a fan of church history, but I spend a lot more time on the church fathers and first few centuries than I do on the dark/middle ages. And one of my big blind spots is Joan of Arc. All I know of her is what I have learned as just a culturally literate sponge. She occupies similar space in my brain as King Arthur, even though I recognize that Joan was a real historical figure whose likfe had real political and military consequences -- but somehow there are legends and myths surrounding her life that I have not made the effort to dispel.

I have even avoided the recent theatrical accounts of Joan's life, and yet ... I don't know why I have avoided her.

I need to educate myself. Soon.

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