Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Terry Wardle on Service

"The majority of Christian ministers serve in secular jobs, where they daily have the opportunity to fulfill Christ's command. They may be doctors, nurses, bank clerks, factory workers, schoolteachers, homemakers, students or bus drivers. While the work they perform does not always seem directly related to ministry, the context provides an opportunity to serve people as they serve the Lord."

  --  from "The Transforming Path"

1 comment:

Chris White said...

I can see you haven’t had any recent posts, but if you still check this, I have a question. Where did you get your blog title from? I’m asking because years ago I had a friend with a Christian music distribution business, and he used that name for his business. I had never heard it anywhere before or since. Recently, when Googling for some info on his whereabouts or activities, I also came across a book on Amazon with that title.

My interest is mainly personal and somewhat trivial, but if you don’t mind I’d appreciate any response.
