Saturday, June 12, 2010

Book Review

Giving Church Another Chance, by Todd Hunter.

Todd Hunter has had a varied and intriguing career in the ministry. He was a leader in the early days of the Vineyard movement, including a stint as National Director. He then lead Alpha USA for a time, before pulling out of the formal curch altogether and becoming involved in the "home church" movement. He then turned around another 180 degrees, and is a newly-ordained bishop of the Anglican Mission in America.

Hunter brings much of this interesting spiritual biography to bear in this, his second book. His focus is on the historical liturgical practices of the church, encouraging evangelicals to re-consider how to adopt these practices.

The book covers a range of topics, including quiet time, reading scripture, giving, communion and blessings. He brings an interesting take to these topics, relying the works of Eugene Peterson and N.T. Wright, among others.

I heard Hunter speak years ago, when he was a Vineyard pastor, and was quite impressed. I have followed him as his pilgrimage has taken him around the church, and was intrigued when he joined the Anglican community. My own move into the ancient-future church ideas has not been as dramatic as Hunter's, but I found this book an intersting and thought-provoking treatise on integrating the ancient practices of the church into a modern life.

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