The observations (and ramblings) of a Real Person searching for the Real God in the Real World.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March Reading List
14. Babylon 5: The Wheel of Fire (pb), by Jane Killick
15. New Moon (ua), by Stephenie Meyer
16. The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy (ua), by Pietra Rivola
17. The Next Christendom (hc), by Philip Jenkins
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Podcast Review
I have been listening to Michael Spencer's podcast for more than a year, so his "coming evangelical collapse" piece in the March 10 Christian Science Monitor did not surprise me. In both his blog and podcast, Spencer has been sounding this clarion call some time now. His podcast comes out approximately weekly, runs about 30 minutes, and features Spencer's observations on culture, politics, society, and the church.
I found myself in the "post-evangelical wilderness" for more than a decade before I found Spencer's terminology. His path and mine are similar, and I find his insights wortthwhile, and unavailable in other forums.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
N.T. Wright on the Bible
And that’s just Genesis.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Bert Waggoner on the Trinity
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Sts. Perpetua & Felicity
"Do you see this vessel—a waterpot or whatever name it may have? Can it be called by any other name than what it is? So also I cannot call myself by any other name than what I am—a Christian.” So wrote Perpetua, a beautiful, well-educated, noblewoman of Carthage, mother of an infant son and chronicler of the Emperor Septimius Severus' persecution of the church.
Despite death threats, Perpetua and Felicity (a slavewoman and expectant mother), and others, refused to renounce their Christian faith. For this, they were imprisoned, and sentenced to death in the public games in the amphitheater.
Perpetua’s mother was a Christian and her father a pagan. He continually pleaded with her to deny her faith. Not willing to renounce Christianity, she comforted her father in his grief over her decision. “It shall happen as God shall choose, for assuredly I depend not on my own power but on the power of God.“
As part of the games, Perpetua and Felicity were beheaded. Felicity gave birth to her girl a few days before her death.